Daily 5 minute Meditation - Arcline Clearing

With this meditation we begin focusing on the arcline, the aura, and karma.

According to this ancient tradition, the arcline is the link between our physical and spiritual selves, located at the 6th or 7th chakra. It represents our projection, protection, and application of intention.

The aura, on the other hand, is the electromagnetic field that surrounds and penetrates the physical body, reflecting our physical, mental, and emotional state. Finally, karma, the law of cause and effect, determines our experiences based on past actions and intentions. By understanding and working with these concepts, we area able to cleanse the karmas that influence our energy, subconscious, and physical form.

Embarking on a 40-day meditation practice dedicated to cleaning karmas can yield profound transformative effects on our being. This daily commitment allows us to gradually remove energetic blockages, heal subconscious patterns, and purify the physical body. Through consistent practice and intention, we can realign our arcline, strengthen our aura, and rewrite the script of our karma. By bringing awareness to our thoughts, actions, and intentions during this practice, we pave the way for a deeper understanding of our energetic composition and the interconnectedness of our inner and outer worlds.

As we engage in this 40-day meditation journey, it's essential to approach it with dedication, patience, and an open heart. Each day offers an opportunity for introspection, growth, and healing. By observing the shifts in our energy, mindset, and experiences throughout the practice, we can witness the subtle yet profound impact of working with the arcline, aura, and karma. Ultimately, this meditation practice serves as a powerful tool for personal transformation, inviting us to release old patterns, elevate our consciousness, and embody a more aligned and empowered version of ourselves.

Here is the 5-minute daily recorded meditation (meditation begins at 7 minutes on the video) and the recording of the music / mantra to listen to.

Key Lesson Concepts:

  • Enhance personal growth and confidence
  • Develop a positive mindset and set achievable goals
  • Learn sustainable, Ayruvedic wellness tips

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