Welcome to your Glow Up Meditation Challenge - Overview of the Course

Get ready to transform your life with our Glow Up course! Throughout this program, you will be equipped with technology to enhance your personal growth and confidence. I will guide you on a journey towards becoming your best self by clearing the dense frequencies that block your light from shining through.

The electromagnetic field we call the arcline holds our karmic energies, over time this energy becomes dense and dark if we don’t do anything to clear it, it ends up blocking our light. 💡 This meditation helps to become brighter and more aligned with your unique mission and purpose, by helping you to process your experiences and release stress, trauma and drama from your body, nervous system and cells! Become your own Lighthouse.

I am so thankful to be on this expansive journey with you and I want to emphasize what this journey is all about. It's ok to miss a day of this challenge here and there. You are probably going to. There is no shame, no guilt, no rigid dogmatic thinking. 40 days is a journey of rewiring habitual grooves in our minds, it's a work in progress. Embrace the "challenge" part of the challenge. Journal, keep a video log, document the process. and keep going!

In this course, you will learn how to develop a positive mindset, set achievable goals, and overcome obstacles that may be holding you back. We will also cover topics such as ayurvedic and yogic self-care rituals and overall wellness tools to help you look and feel your best inside and out. By the end of this course, you will have the skills and knowledge to confidently navigate life with a newfound glow.

Here is the 5-minute daily recorded meditation and the recording of the music / mantra to listen to.

Key Lesson Concepts:

  • Enhance personal growth and confidence
  • Develop a positive mindset and set achievable goals
  • Learn sustainable, Ayruvedic wellness tips

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