Week 2 - Activating 10 Bodies

It's Week 2, hope you're feeling the call of your soul to urge you to go deeper into alignment. This week, we will awaken and begin to integrate the entire body into harmony. As you will find out, we have 10 bodies, all responsible for different aspects of our vibration. The first step is to be aware that they exist and how they work within the framework of our daily lives. Take time to reflect on the questions in the workbook. And enjoy the process of unraveling the subtle secrets of your existence.

What's fascinating is the interplay and balance among the bodies. When all are aligned, there's a profound sense of connection, vitality and harmony. By nurturning each aspect, honoring the physical, attuning to the subtle, and balancing the energies we cultivate a sense of well-being that transcends the individual creating a sense of wholeness and integration.

I've found immense value in this exploration. It's a journey that leads to a greater sense of purpose, vitality and fulfillment.

Key Lesson Concepts:

  • Focus on awakening Kundalini energy through specific movements and breathing techniques
  • Learn how to use mantras to enhance meditation and deepen the practice
  • Experience the transformative power of Kundalini yoga in balancing the mind, body, and spirit

10 bodies workbook.pdf
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