Week 3 - Core, Core and More Core

We are now ready to focus our attention on the solar plexus. Not only is this source of your inner power but when the fire here is activated, it begins to illuminate your “True North”. You begin to connect to your True Self (sat nam). By setting your internal gps there your movement, speech, actions, and thoughts will be different, naturally. You will start to burn away the things that are not authentic. While this process is positive, it is also difficult and challenging. It may involve losing things, people, and situations that are currently in your life. Physically strengthening your core gives you the stability and strength to stay on course. Nahbi kriya set, besides giving you amazing abdominals, activates the 70,000 nerve endings in your gut, making your intuition 70,000 times more sensitive and powerful. This is the source of your confidence and it will help you understand the purpose of your presence, your dharma.

As we continue to activate our arcline through the daily meditation, subtle changes are happening and will become stronger as the momentum of the challenge crescendos with energy buildup. Your intuition and discernment may be less subtle. With this your confidence will deepen and your projection will become greater.

At this time, bring awareness to your talk. Listen to what comes out of your mouth. May your talk be aligned with your walk. Where it isn't, bring it to be. No judging. Just witness. And correct. This will strengthen your aura and vibration.

So good.

I would love to some of your thoughts and experiences so far. Please share if you are comfortable.

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