Week 1 - Chakra Alignment

Karma is the concept of cause and effect - the belief that our actions, thoughts, and intentions create energy that influences our present and future experiences. Though it can be punishing, it is not punishment. With your breath, your movement and your intention, you sit on the mat today to begin releasing past energetic imprints that may be holding you back. You can break free from negative cycles, find resolution from past issues, and create space for new, positive energy to flow into your life. While this process can be deeply healing and transformative and it does help you to let go so you can move forward with clarity and purpose, it will also begin to churn up some emotions, maybe not today. When it happens, the practice is what will help keep you steady as you ride out the storm.

Clearing the arcline in Kundalini yoga involves working with the energy that runs from ear to ear, encompassing the area above the head. The arcline is associated with our projection, intuition, and protection. When this energy center is blocked or clouded by negative karma, it can lead to confusion, lack of direction, and feeling out of alignment with one's true self. With our daily 5-minute meditation over the next 40 days, we will work to clear the arcline, so you can come into alignment with your dharma - your unique purpose or path in life.

You are going to be the big reveal!

You may experience profound shifts in their energy, mindset, and overall well-being. Each session serves as a powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery, helping you to connect with your inner wisdom, overcome obstacles, and manifest your deepest desires.

chakra workbook (1).pdf

Lesson Summary

  • The journey focuses on chakras, which are energy centers in the body vibrating at different frequencies.
  • Tension can block these chakras, disrupting the flow of energy in the body.
  • The text offers exercises, affirmations, and dietary recommendations to help balance each chakra.
  • By balancing chakras, one can improve physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
  • The ultimate aim is to release tension, harmonize energy, and foster a deeper connection with oneself.

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